F and MinF' computations

Given subjects and items F values, this program computes the MinF' (Clark, 1973).


There would be an applet here if your browser supported java.

Herbert H. Clark (1973) "The Language-as-fixed-Effect Fallacy: A critique of Language Statistics in Psychological Research" in Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 12, 335-359. for a discussion of minF').

(c) Christophe Pallier - 1996

Note 1: A bug was corrected on Nov 17, 2005: the computed p-value was wrong when the F-value was less than 0.5. Hopefully, it is now correct. (thanks to Arnout Koornneef and Timothy Desmet for pointing out the bug). This should not have created problems given that F<0.5 is quite far from the usual significance threshold...

Note 2: I am not advocating the use of MinF' !!! (I wrote this applet many years ago to train myself in Java). It may be better to use a mixed effect model approach considering both subject and items as random factors (See, e.g., Baayen, R.H., Statistics in Psycholinguistics: A critique of some current gold standards. In Mental Lexicon Working Papers 1, Edmonton, 1-45)