My favorite softwares
Posted on février 12, 2001 in computer-science
To connect to a distant computer, I mosty use ssh -Y login@server
sudo apt install openssh-client openssh-server wget curl ncftp
First thing to do on a new computer:
ssh-copy-id remoteaddress
Remote processing
To create a persistent terminal (to be installed on the remote server)
sudo apt-install tmux
Version control
sudo apt-install git-core git-doc svn
Synchronising two directories
compares two directories and allows to perform a bidirectional synchronisation, proposing to copy files in both directions.
sudo apt install unison-gtk
In the simple case of a unidirectional copy (to update a destination
directory to match an origin
sudo apt install rsync rclone
To copy
rsync -a --info=progress2 origin/ destination
rsync -a --info=progress2 --delete origin/ destination
is the perfect tool to regularily backup one's home directory to an external harddrive. It takes snapshots, identified by date and time, minimizing disk space by using hard links for unmodified files.
sudo apt install backintime-common backintime-gnome
Cleaning disk space
When du -h | sort -rn
is not sufficient, I use baobab
to find which directories are large.
sudo apt install baobab
finding duplicated files
To find duplicated files, that is files which have the same content even if they have different names, I use fslint-gui
sudo apt install fslint
Comparing two files or two directories
To compare two text files, if not in emacs with ediff, my favorite tool is meld
sudo apt-get install meld
Nowdays, I try to use markdown format as much as possible. I still have a few documents in asciidoc
sudo apt install pandoc pandoc-data asciidoc
sudo apt install emacs emacs-goodies-el auctex ess
sudo apt install texlive-full latex-beamer inkscape
sudo apt install audacity praat sonic-pi hydrogen \
rosegarden ardour
sudo apt install gimp lightzone
Miscellaneous tools
apt install debsums apt-file build-essential autotools-dev \
powertop htop tmux dialog gvncviewer gpp curl \
gparted baobab
sudo apt-get encfs sshfs
Download anaconda python from
sudo apt-get install pychecker pyflakes
Je décris dans ce document comment utiliser les « autotools » pour créer et distribuer des packages .tar.gz. « à la GNU ».